Gary's Gallery

These pictures were taken by Gary Walker on the roof of the South Physics Building with a 12 inch Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain Reflecting Telescope and a SBIG ST7 CCD Camera. CCDOPS and MaximDL were used to take and process the images.

M51 the Whirlpool Galaxy with its companion galaxy NGC 5195
Exposure info for M51 and NGC 5195:
clear filter: 5 x 15 min. exposures + 1 x 10 min., stacked (85 min total); 1x1 pixel binning (high resolution)
red filter: 10 min. exposure, 3x3 pixel binning (low resolution)
green filter: 10 min. exposure, 3x3 pixel binning (low resolution)
blue filter: 20 min. exposure, 3x3 pixel binning (low resolution)

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